Seven Ways You Can Break Your Teeth And How To Protect Them In Missouri

hard candies

Your teeth are among the most important structures in your body. They are responsible for tasks such as biting, chewing, and speaking. Unfortunately, there are many ways in which you can accidentally break your teeth. This can lead to pain, discomfort, and long-term disability. At Premier Dental & Oral Health Group, we want you to…

Avoid These 5 Smile Wreckers

woman throwing a right hand wearing red boxing gloves

We hope today’s post will alert blog visitors to some harmful oral health hazards. At Premier Dental & Oral Health Group, too often, we treat tooth decay and damage caused by the following: 1. Sports Injuries Many parents send their kids out on the playing field with a mouthguard but fail to shield themselves when…

Can You Handle A Dental Emergency?

Lake of the Ozarks after hours dental

At Premier Dental & Oral Health Group in Lake Ozark, we hope you never need emergency dental care. It’s important, however, to know what to do in such a situation. Here is a quiz on dental emergencies and other oral problems. 1. One of the wires on your braces breaks. What do you do? a.…

Tooth Knocked Out? Call Us ASAP!

emergency dental Lake Ozark

Having a tooth knocked out can be catastrophic, but it isn’t necessarily irreversible. If you can keep a cool head and remember a few emergency dental instructions from Premier Dental & Oral Health Group in Lake Ozark, chances are the tooth can be saved. The critical thing for to do if you’ve had a tooth knocked…